Hello fellow BP108-ians. (:
What a wonderful event we had last Friday. Fret not, the dodgeball event deserves a spot in our convocation magazine! (:
Just to remind everyone that there will be a dedication paper circulated among our classmates.
Please remember to fill in your FREE dedication message to any of your friends. Best part is, you can dedicate up to 5 people at one go! 25 words limit thou!
However, additional dedication will be charged RM1 each. So so, don't miss out this chance!
You wouldn't want to flip back your magazine 20 years later, not finding your names there! ♥
BY THE WAY, for those who have not done the alumni registration, beware, someone is gonna stalk you soon so avoid any unwanted stalking events, help us by helping to fill the registration. Peace!
Have a nice day! (:
Edtiorial Board